Helping Investors and Borrowers
find solutions for over 15 years.
Our firm is dedicated to helping the client find straightforward lending solutions to solve whatever problem may arise.
We have sourced and structured the debt with transacting on over $400,000,000 worth of real estate in Western Canada.
If you are having problems qualifying for traditional bank financing or simply want a straightforward approach to lending, you have come to the right place.
We offer private mortgage solutions to property owners in Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia.
We provide fast approvals and flexible alternatives to the Banks, without all the headaches and hoops to jump through.
We provide quick and efficient capital for your clients. We focus primarily on equity and the borrower's ability to service and re-pay the loan.
Why "Lions Den"?
The name "Lions Den" is a tribute to my mother, Shelley Loewer, an inspiring entrepreneur and beloved mother of seven children—five of which are boys.
To support their growing family, Shelley took on various "side hustles," from raising chickens and cultivating an expansive garden to buying truckloads of BC fruit and selling them by the case from the garage of their acreage just outside Saskatoon. Her creativity shone through in her artistic mountain landscape paintings and her passion for writing.

When Shelley and her sister Melody were tasked with organizing a large family reunion, they found no helpful resources at the library. Instead of giving up, they decided to share their knowledge by writing their own book, "Fun Family Reunions in 8 Easy Steps!" After completing the book, Shelley faced numerous rejections from publishers. Undeterred, she founded her own publishing company, aptly named “Lions Den Publishing.”
Shelley’s entrepreneurial spirit, resilience, and dedication left a lasting impact on each of us. Even after her passing in 2004 following a courageous battle with cancer, her legacy continues to inspire. In honor of her example of hard work, integrity and determination, we proudly named our company Lions Den Capital.
Why choose us?
Whether you’re new to real estate or if you’re a seasoned real estate investor, we have the answers and solutions you have been looking for.